Obesity in Dogs

obesidade nos cães - pug -Obesity in Dogs

Obesity can be defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat that contributes to diseases. Dogs weighing at least 10% above their ideal body weight are considered overweight, while dogs weighing 20% more than the ideal are considered obese.

Excess body weight can be a contributing factor to many diseases.

What are the risks associated with obesity in dogs?

Obesity can contribute to many conditions in dogs, including:

  • Arthritis Pancreatitis
  • Kidney disease
  • Respiratory compromise
  • Decreased exercise and heat tolerance
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Abnormal response to insulin
  • Increased anesthetic risk
  • Decreased quality of life

Demonstrating love by spoiling your dog with treats can actually result in a shorter life and a decrease in quality of life if excess calories result in obesity.

Symptoms of Obesity in Dogs

Signs of obesity include:

  • Weight gain Less energy than usual
  • Decreased exercise tolerance
  • A collar or harness that feels tighter than it used to
  • Being unable to feel the ribs, or see a “waistline” (a slight tuck in the belly just in front of the hind legs)
obesidade cão deitado
Juan Gomez @ Unsplash

Causes of Obesity in Dogs

The most obvious cause of obesity in dogs is overfeeding, which may include the dog’s regular wet or dry food, treats designed for dogs, and “table scraps” or human food.

Lack of exercise can also lead your dog to become overweight. There are some medical conditions that cause obesity, including hypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism, also known as Cushing’s disease.

Additionally, certain dog breeds may have a predisposition to obesity, including:

  • Golden Retriever
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Dachshund
  • Beagle
  • Boxer
  • Pug

Is My Dog Overweight?

If you suspect your dog may be overweight, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian for weighing and examination.

If there is excess fat over your dog’s ribs or if you cannot see a slight tuck just in front of the hind legs, your dog is likely carrying extra weight.

How Do Veterinarians Diagnose Obesity in Dogs

Your veterinarian can obtain your dog’s weight and look for trends over time indicating weight gain or loss. A measurement called body condition score may also be performed.

The two most commonly used body condition scores are a five-point scale (where three is considered ideal) and a nine-point scale (where four to five is considered ideal). Your dog should have an hourglass shape when viewed from above if they are at their ideal body weight.

Your veterinarian may also perform some laboratory tests to check for any underlying conditions that may be contributing to weight gain, such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease.

If weight gain has been very sudden, your veterinarian may also recommend radiographs to check for the presence of fluid or masses in the abdomen.

Treatment of Obesity in Dogs

The basic components for treating obesity are exercise and dietary changes. Depending on the severity of obesity and the dog’s current level of fitness, increasing your dog’s daily exercise may need to be done gradually.

In general, most dogs can safely exercise for 15-30 minutes per day to start.

Duration and intensity can be gradually increased as your dog loses weight and becomes fitter. A simple walk is feasible for most households, but exercise can also include indoor or outdoor fetch play, swimming, and running.

Dietary changes should be made under the guidance of your dog’s veterinary team. Reducing or eliminating extras such as treats and table scraps will be helpful, and a change in the type and/or amount of food is usually necessary.

There are many weight loss diets available, and some require a prescription from your veterinarian.

A good goal is weight loss of 1-2% of body weight per week, ideally reducing body fat reserves while maintaining lean body tissue.

While most dog foods give feeding amount recommendations, these are only guidelines, and individual dogs may need more or less than recommended to maintain ideal body condition.

Meal feeding (rather than free choice) is generally helpful for calorie control. It is also important to use a measuring cup to ensure consistent feeding of the appropriate amount of food.

Instead of eliminating treats altogether, you may opt to swap for baby carrots, frozen green beans, pumpkin, or lower-calorie dog treats if your veterinarian agrees these are good options for your dog.

Medications are generally not needed to treat obesity unless your dog has hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease, in which case regular examinations and laboratory tests will help determine the appropriate type and dose of medication.

dog running with ball
Bonnie Kittle @ Unsplash

Recovery and Management of Obesity in Dogs

After your dog reaches their ideal weight, your veterinarian may recommend transitioning to a maintenance diet. It is important to continue with regular exercise and limit extra treats and snacks.

Of course, preventing obesity before it even occurs would be ideal. This can be achieved with two or three meals per day instead of always having food available, avoiding excessive treats, and ensuring your dog gets regular exercise.

Exercise is not just good for your dog—it’s good for humans too and offers physical and emotional benefits for all involved.

While effort is required to prevent or correct obesity, the benefits of a longer and healthier life are worth it for you and your dog.

If you suspect your pet is ill, immediately call your veterinarian. For health-related inquiries, always consult your veterinarian as they have examined your pet, know the pet’s health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

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